Advancing paediatric surgery through education and research

BAPS Presidential Election

The Presidential vote opens on Tuesday 28th January 2025.  You will have until 17th February  to vote.  If you are eligible to vote, you should receive an email from Civica (who are hosting the vote on our behalf) tomorrow with a link to the voting dashboard.  If you don’t receive your email please contact Kate in the office as soon as possible.  Your candidates are:
  • Joe Curry, supported by Erica Makin (London) and Clare Rees (London)
  • Ashish Desai, supported by Ewan Brownlee (Southampton) and Ashwini Joshi (London)
  • Shailinder Singh, supported by Jonathan Sutcliffe (Leeds) and Bala Eradi (Leicester)
You can see their full statements on the Civica Dashboard!
Kate Meaden
BAPS Secretariat

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